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Open Space Committee Minutes 01/14/2011 (Revised)
Town of Old Lyme
Open Space Committee Meeting
Old Lyme Town Hall

Minutes: January 14, 2011

Chairman Diana Atwood Johnson opened the meeting at 08:40 am with OSC members Bruce Baratz, Amanda Blair, Peter Cable, Bill Dunbar, Evan Griswold, George James and Teri Lewis in attendance.  Also in attendance was Henry Resnikoff to describe a proposed multifamily apartment development on Lyme Street.

On a motion by Bruce, seconded by Bill, it was voted to approve the revised minutes of the December 10, 2010 OSC meeting, as corrected by Diana.

Diana announced that all current members of the Open Space Committee are to be appointed to the newly formed Open Space Commission for staggered three-year terms.

a) Southwick Commons
Diana introduced Henry Resnikoff, who attended the OSC meeting to describe a multifamily development of four 6-unit buildings proposed for property currently owned by Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts on Lyme Street across from the Academy. Each of the three-story buildings would consist of 1250 square-foot apartments, with first deck parking, to be rented at market rates with preference for Academy students. The open space designation for the development includes a parcel of 15% of the total property on the east portion of the property, in accordance with Old Lyme Subdivision Regulations (Section 5.10), and a parcel of 40% of the buildable space fronting the four buildings, in accordance with Old Lyme Zoning Regulations (Section 12.14). The designated open space would be in the form of a conservation easement. The plan was presented to OSC for information and comment prior to submission of formal applications and presentations to the Planning Commission, Zoning Commission (for multifamily residence), and Inland Wetlands Commission.

a) Ames property
Diana reported that the Planning Commission had approved the purchase of the Ames property at their January 13, 2011 meeting.

b) Kus property
At 09:20 on motion by Evan, second by Bruce, it was voted to go into executive session. At 09:40 on motion by Peter, second by Evan, it was voted to leave executive session. No actions were taken during the executive session.

c) Zito property
Diana reported that there was no new information on the proposed Zito property donation. OSC is still awaiting information regarding possible existing encroachments on the property.

Old Lyme Conservation Trust
There was no OLCT report this month.

New Business
a) Open Space Commission bylaws and land acquisition protocol
Diana indicated that she had drafted bylaws for the new Open Space Commission, based on the Zoning Commission bylaws, and that she had edited the existing protocol for land acquisition to reflect the establishment of the Open Space Commission. She said that she had asked Peter to shepherd the bylaws and protocol for adoption by the Open Space Commission. Peter indicated that he would distribute the document drafts by email to the OSC members for review and comment, with the intention of voting for approval of final versions at the February OSC (now Open Space Commission) meeting.

b) Revised walk schedule
Diana noted that she had distributed by email a 2011 walk/clean-up schedule to the OSC. There was a suggestion of coordinating the walk schedule with Earth Day, April 22, 2011.

c) National Trails Day
There was discussion of promoting Old Lyme trails in coordination with National Trails Day (NTD), the American Hiking Society program promoting trail awareness. NTD this year is June 4, 2011 and it was suggested that this would provide a good opportunity to publicize the Ames property. Amanda’s suggestion concerning advertising and highlighting OSC to schools, churches and other organizations with a letter promoting Old Lyme trails was received positively.  Amanda and Teri volunteered to take an NTD-related initiative for action.

d) Shore Road Scenic Easement
Based on a proposal originally by Tim Griswold, Diana raised the possibility of obtaining scenic easements on properties along Route 156 from McCurdy Road toward Sound View.  Diana asked for a volunteer to assume the job of researching properties along Shore Road on which scenic easements might be sought. Amanda suggested that seeking a Scenic Road designation for that portion of Route 156 was an alternative approach with a different set of pros and cons from the scenic easement approach. Amanda agreed to research these suggestions and propose an approach.

e) Administrative help for OSC
Evan noted that Lyme Land Conservation Trust and Lyme Conservation Commission share an administrative person, who could take on additional work in the land conservation area. Evan agreed to make inquiries about possible employment of this person to assist the Old Lyme OSC.

f) Champlain North and South tree removal
George reported that Champlain North and South have diseased trees that need removal. He noted that OSC could procure a service, like Connwood Foresters to harvest, that is assess and remove, diseased trees on Champlain North and South.

Old Business
a) Beaver dam at Ames Preserve
Bruce, Diana and Peter described their walk of the Ames Preserve and observation of the beaver dam on Bucky Brook adjacent to the road into the Preserve. Entrance was possible and the trails accessible if proper boots were used by hikers. They reiterated the previous conclusion from the last OSC meeting that removal of beaver at Ames Preserve should not have been necessary. Evan argued that beaver should be protected in the area. He said he would speak with Steve Gephard, DEP Fisheries Biologist, about whether alewife upstream migration is being compromised by the presence of the beaver dam.

b) Trail Book
Peter reported that a meeting of the Trail Book ad-hoc committee, now consisting of Bruce, Amanda, Teri and Peter, to develop plans to produce a new trail book would be held on January 19, 2011 at Amanda’s house.

c) Plan of Conservation and Development
Diana reported that the 2010 Plan of Conservation and Development had been completed and made available for review.

At 10:52, there being no further business, Diana adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter Cable